Some good news! Apple has made the sessions from WWDC 2010 available in iTunes. The videos are available in normal and high definition and include the presentation slides (in PDF format) as well as sample code. The sessions are organised into six areas:
Apple WWDC 2010 Keynote Address
this is the keynote from Steve Jobs that I guess we have all seen by now.
Core OS
24 videos covering low-level OS services such as grand central, the graphics layer, networking, security and hardware level services.
Developer Tools
36 videos covering developer tools including the Developer Tools State of the Union and lots of videos on Xcode 4.
Application Frameworks
81 videos covering a huge range of topics covering fundamental cocoa topics, iPad development, multitasking, iAd, optimising your app for the Retina display, etc.
Graphics and Media
52 videos covering the graphics and media frameworks including OpenGL, core animation and core image.
Internet and Web
26 videos covering web standards, HTML5, CSS3 and creating content with iAd JS.
This is a huge amount of material, the only problem I see is finding the time to download and watch it. If you have any interest in developing for the iOS platform you should take a browse through iTunes as I am sure you will find something of interest. The fact that Apple is making this information freely available is a great response to developers who could not make it to WWDC.