I realised the other day that I was coming up to the five year anniversary of this blog and I have never once covered creating an OS X application. I hope to fix that in the near future but it got me looking for good resources for iOS developers looking to make the leap.
One of the problems is that, compared to iOS, there is a lack of information on developing “modern” OS X apps. That should improve in April when Big Nerd Ranch are scheduled to publish the 5th edition of Cocoa Programming for OS X which I have on pre-order and will of course review. In the mean time there are three presentations from WWDC 2014 that I found useful to describe the changes that came with OS X 10.10 Yosemite that will appeal to iOS developers:
- WWDC 2014 Session 204 What’s New in Cocoa
- WWDC 2014 Session 212 Storyboards and Controllers on OS X
- WWDC 2014 Session 227 Creating Modern Cocoa Apps
Two other Apple resources if you are just getting started:
If you are trying to get your head around the magic of Cocoa Data Bindings especially with Core Data I still like what Marcus Zarra has to say on the topic:
The ever dependable Ray Wenderlich also has some good tutorials aimed at iOS developers. If you have other good (beyond Stack Overflow) resources feel free to let me know in the comments.