Renaming Toolbar Navigation Title

Starting with iOS 16, if you keep your navigation title inline, in the toolbar, you can allow a user to edit it in-place.

Here’s an example of a note taking app, showing the view to edit a note:

Note form with title in toolbar and as first text field

This view is a SwiftUI Form embedded in a navigation stack with the note title presented as both an editable text field in the form and shown inline, in the navigation toolbar:

struct ItemEditView: View {
  @ObservedObject var itemModel: ItemViewModel
  @EnvironmentObject var store: ItemStore
  @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
  var body: some View {
    NavigationStack {
      ItemForm(title: $itemModel.title,
               note: $itemModel.note,
               date: { update in
        if update {
                       title: itemModel.title,
                       note: itemModel.note)

Showing the title twice sometimes feels a bit redundant.

Renaming The Title

Starting with iOS 16, the navigationTitle view modifier can take a binding to a string. This allows the user to edit the title, in-place, in the toolbar.

In my example, I’ve removed the title text field from the form and changed the navigation title to be a binding to the title string:

NavigationStack {
  ItemForm(note: $itemModel.note, date: { ... }

The title now appears in the toolbar with a small button next to it:

Note Title in toolbar with button

Tapping the button shows a drop-down menu with a rename action:

Drop down title menu with rename action

Tapping the rename action allows you to change the title:

Changing the title to iOS 17 Wish List

Note that this only works when you show the title inline in the toolbar. It doesn’t work if you’re using the large title in an expanded navigation bar.