I was browsing some documentation in Xcode this afternoon when I noticed that the swipe gesture on an Apple Magic Mouse actually causes you to go forward and back within the documentation. I suppose this should not really be a surprise as it does the same in Safari and it seems to more annoying than useful.
A quick look in the Xcode 3.2.2 release notes reveals the thrilling news:
Documentation Viewing
Users with multitouch devices (track pads or the Magic Mouse) can now Go Back or Go Forward in the Documentation Viewer with the swipe gesture.
It may say more about my manual dexterity than Apple hardware design but I find the swipe gesture on the mouse to be almost impossible to execute reliably. I am prone to triggering the action by accident, which is how I discovered the feature in the first place. Luckily the whole two finger swipe to navigate feature can be disabled from the preferences panel.